Today, WordPress is more than a blog publishing platform. In fact 23% of all the websites on internet are built on WordPress. It has a lot of versatility and a huge following. It is used by more website developers than any other platform.
Philly Webmaster now specializes in creating mobile friendly (responsive) WordPress websites.
Mobile isn’t the future — it’s the present. I’m not saying that you don’t need a stellar desktop site. You do. But as mobile becomes more and more natural for searchers and information gatherers, you must have a mobile site that meets their needs. Failure to do so will be your death knell.
A “responsive site” means that it’s built to perform well across all devices used to access the Web. Think you need a site that looks good only on desktop computers? Think again. More people now access the Web on mobile devices than on desktops.
Additionally, responsive sites are better for SEO. Google’s latest ranking methodology gives props to sites that perform well on mobile devices. You reach more people on more devices, and score higher in Google searches, thus adding reach and credibility to your brand.
WordPress is an SEO powerhouse and is coded to be SEO-friendly. It supports a wide variety of tools that enable developers fine-tune every aspect of SEO. Google’s latest algorithm puts fresh, original content in the spotlight – and at the top of search result pages. WordPress makes adding content easy, if you’d like you can do it on your own.
Plus, WordPress utilizes a high-security standard. Regular updates provided by WordPress strongly protect you from this vulnerability. Regularly updating your WordPress version is quite effective to fight this vulnerability point. In fact, website hacking mostly takes place due to lack of knowledge and awareness in users.
Contact Philly Webmaster for more information…